Monday, May 25, 2020
Rome And Spreading the Gospel - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2293 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Jesus Christ Essay Did you like this example? Jesus and Rome The Influences Rome had in Spreading the Gospel â€Å"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life,†John 3:16 (The Holy Bible). The Roman Empire played a crucial role in fulfilling Jesus’ purpose and the spread of the Word of God. The Roman Empire’s expansion provided a pathway for the expansion of the Word of God to reach Judaea and the world. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Rome And Spreading the Gospel" essay for you Create order â€Å"First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world†Romans 1:8 (The Holy Bible). In this verse Paul is speaking to the people in Rome who are loved by God. Rome fell and rose due to power struggles between kings, magistrates, and consuls (History Editors 2018). Rome underwent another political change by establishing a Republic form of government (Beck 2012). Rome’s ambitions allowed the growth of the gospel. The Lord used the Roman Empire’s achievements, culture, and conditions for His message of salvation to reach the entire world. Rome under the reign of kings, led the Roman people to establish a republic form of government Rome under the reign of kings led the Roman people to establish a republic form of government. The republic form of government empowered its citizens [male citizens]. â€Å"A republic is a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders†(Beck et. al, 2012, p. 156). Two distinct groups, the practitioner and the plebeians struggle for political power. The practitioner were the wealthy landowners, who held the most influential power (Beck et. al, 2012). The plebeians were the common farmers, artisans, and merchants, who were mainly the population (Beck et. al, 2012). Rome established a balanced government through the Twelve Tables. The Twelve Tables is the written law code. â€Å"The laws were carved on twelve tables or tablets that were hung in the Forum†(Beck et. al, 2012, p. 156). The rise of the New Roman Empire Julius Caesar was a Roman general who turned Roman Republic into the Roman Empire (Biography Editors, 2014). Julius Caesar significantly transformed Roman Republic into Roman Empire by greatly expanding its geographic reach and establishing its imperial system (Biography Editors, 2014). When Julius Caesar was 31 years old, he had fought in many battles and became very involved with Roman politics (Biography Editors, 2014). Julius Caesar then became the dictator of the Roman Empire (Biography Editors, 2014). Internal conflicts that developed during Julius Caesar of the Old Empire, led to the rise of Octavian and the New Empire. The rise of the New Roman Empire (Ancient History Encyclopedia). During Octavian’s reign, reformation of laws brought political stability. Peace and prosperity spread throughout the entire kingdom during His reign (Theology Curator). â€Å"Historians are in agreement that this is the point at which the history of Rome ends and the history of the Roman E mpire begins†(Mark, 2009). Rome’s ambition to conquer the world allowed for the growth of the Gospel of Christ Rome’s ambition to conquer the world allowed for the growth of the Gospel of Christ. In 27 B.C. Rome reached a new point in their empire with an expanded population and an increased in their territory holdings all over the world (Legends and Chronicles). With the development of military roads this allowed the increased of transporting the Gospel to the entire known world (Legends and Chronicles). Rome’s military conquests led directly to its cultural growth as a civilization (History Editors 2018). â€Å"Ancient Rome was one of the most innovated and advance thinking civilizations that has ever existed†(Legend and Chronicles). Rome’s advancement in their road system allow for the Word of God to travel throughout the region and then reaching out to us. Malachi 3:1 â€Å"I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.†Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,†says the Lord Almighty†(The Holy Bible). God knew that Rome would play an important part in spreading the gospel to the Roman Empire and then to the surrounding regions, nations, and then to us. â€Å"As the empire grew, so, too did a new religion called Christianity†(Beck et. al, 2012, p. 168). Christianity focuses in a personal relationship between God and the person. â€Å"In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us†1 John 4:10 (The Holy Bible). My daily walk with the Lord is very important to me because in Him we have salvation. Many Romans believed in their Roman gods, but they were not as conn ected as the people who practice Christianity. As a Christian, I am connected to God in everything that I do. Rome’s geographic location also aided the spread of the gospel. Rome was established on farming land and it has a unique position for traffic flow near the riverbank allowed people to travel from north to south (Legend and Chronicles). â€Å"Rome grew from a small settlement to a mighty civilization that eventually conquered the Mediterranean world†(Beck et. al, 2012, p. 155). â€Å"Rome would build one of the most famous and influential empires in history†(Beck et. al, 2012, p. 155). Rome became a successful civilization because of its strategic location and the rich land it provided the people (Beck et. al, 2012). The geographic location of Rome would be one of the most significant reasons that the gospel would spread throughout the region like wildfire. Rome was established on a seven rolling hills near the Tiber River (Beck et. al, 2012). Rome became a pathway for commercial growth, which lead to one of the most historic moments, the life of Jesus, His death and resurrection, and His message of love and salvation. In 63 B.C. the Roman power spread throughout Judea (Beck et. al, 2012). In A.D. 6 Rome took control of the Jewish kingdom and it became a Roman providence (Beck et. al, 2012). After Rome took control the Jews believed that they would be rescued by a Messiah, that God had promised to send to restore the kingdom (Beck et. al, 2012). The Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was born approximately 6 to 4 B.C. in Bethlehem in Judea (Beck et. al, 2012). Jesus ministry began at the age of 30. During this time Jesus shared the love of God, God’s message of love, hope, and salvation, and performed miracles. He also taught in the belief of one God, and the Ten Commandments. The Gospel was written by Jesus’ disciples, called apostles. As Jesus and His message became known, Jesus had a strong group that supported Him. Jesus would later be accused of defying the authority of Rome and would be sentenced to be crucified (Beck et. al, 2012). When Jesus died, He was buried in a tomb, but at the third day He rose and conquered death. â€Å"That he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures†I Corinthians 15:4 (The Holy Bible). When the disciples heard this and Jesus started to appear to them, they believed that Jesus indeed is the true Messiah. The disciples continued to spread God’s message of salvation. The Roman Empire common language was Latin and Greek (Beck et. al, 2012). Latin facilitated the opportunity for everyone in the empire to hear the Gospel. â€Å"Romans benefited greatly from contact with different cultures such as the Greeks†(History Editors 2018). â€Å"The first Roman literature appeared around 240 B.C. with translation of Greek classics into Latin†(History Editors 2018). These languages allowed for the message to be easily understood (Beck et. al, 2012). The Pax Romana enable traveling and the exchange of different beliefs safe this opened a way for Christianity to reach other parts of the area. Paul was a Jewish man, who was not Jesus’ disciples, made it his mission to spread God’s message. His teaching focused on Jesus is the Son of God, who died for our sins and to give us eternal life (Beck et. al, 2012). â€Å"It was this universality that enabled Christianity to become more than just a local religion†(Beck et. al, 2012, p. 170). Late third century A.D. there were millions of Christians in Rome (Beck et. al, 2012). Christianity expanded because it welcomed everyone, gave hope, allowed for people to have a personal relationship with God, and promised eternal life (Beck et. al, 2012). In A.D. 312 a Roman emperor Constantine who was battling a rival, he prayed and it was claimed that he saw a cross- a Christian symbol (Beck et. al, 20120. He then ordered Christian symbols on their soldiers shields (Beck et. al, 2012). He was victorious and claimed he won because of the Christian God, making Christianity to be one of the religions approved by the emperor (Beck et. al, 2012). Jesus radically changes the world by fulfilling His purpose and by establishing the submission to authority. For example, He says, â€Å"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God†Romans 13:1 (The Holy Bible). Jesus’ emphasis was to understand the importance of following rules that were established by authority. Romans 13:2 states that â€Å"Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves†(The Holy Bible). From the very beginning, God knew who would be in authority at that specific time and place in history to fulfill His promise through Jesus and the spread of the gospel. These Roman Empire discoveries provided a way to strengthen their government and the spread of the Gospel is strongly supported in the following verse, â€Å"For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer†Romans 13:4 (The Holy Bible). God makes it known to us that the only authority we are under is God. We are to submit to the earth authority because God has placed those leaders there. I am under God’s authority, but He tells us to honor our father and mother. It is my responsibility to respect and listen to my parents. Also, I am to follow the laws of the earth such as traffic laws- no speeding, wearing my seatbelt, and using my traffic signals when turning. If I do not follow these laws and I am stopped by a police officer, unless he gives me a warning, then I would receive a traffic ticket. In the state of Arkansas, first offense of a speeding violation includes $100 in fines and/or a maximum of 10 days in jail (McCurley 2018). Second offense speeding violation is $200 in fines and/or a maximum of 20 days in jail (McCurley 2018). If the speeding violation is considered reckless driving then the fine is $500 and/or a maximum of 90 days in jail (McCurley). Authority was important for God and the Roman Empire. The Bible states, â€Å"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good†Titus 3:1 (The Holy Bible). Rome underwent different changes and developments to become a wealthy and effective empire. â€Å"Without these changes it is unlikely that the Romans would have been as successful and widespread as they were†(Legend and Chronicles). This is a great proof that due to these changes that Rome experienced, allowed for Rome to become successful empire and it opened a way for their empire to expand in the most efficient method possible. This proof became a bridge for Jesus’ message to reach everyone, and spread God’s love for those who believe in Him. The more Rome spread, the more the Gospel became known to men. The Lord utilized Rome to fulfill His promises Rome gave power to citizens. Rome became a balanced government. The Lord utilized Rome to fulfill His promises and the spread of the gospel. Romans 1:16 â€Å"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile†(The Holy Bible). Although we are all sinners God’s love is for everyone. â€Å"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us†(The Holy Bible). Through Jesus’ resurrection, we have eternal life. â€Å"We were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!†(The Holy Bible). The spread of the gospel extended across Rome and cities surrounding it, and all over the world through the growth of Rome. The Lord used the Roman Empire’s achievements, culture, and conditions for His message of hope and salvation to rea ch the entire world. Works Cited Beck, Roger; Black, Linda; Krieger, Larry; Naylor, Philip; Shabaka, Dahia. World History. Florida: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company: 2012. Biography Editors. â€Å"Julius Caesar.†Biography, 2014. Accessed 26 Nov. 2018 History. â€Å"Ancient Rome.†A E Television Networks, 2018. Accessed 27 Nov. 2018 Legends and Chronicles. â€Å"Ancient Rome.†Legends and Chronicles, 2007. Accessed 29 Oct. 2018 Mark, Joshua J. Ancient Rome. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 02 Sep 2009. Web. Accessed 29 Nov 2018. McClurey, John. â€Å"Arkansas’ Speeding Laws and Penalties.†Driving Laws, 2018. laws.htm Accessed 28 Nov. 2018 Public Broadcast System. â€Å"The Roman Empire- In the First Century.†Public Broadcast System, 2018. Accessed 28 Nov. 2018 The Holy Bible.2012. Life Publishers International: 2010. Theology Curator. â€Å"Ancient Rome.†Theology Curator, 2017. Accessed 30 Oct. 2018
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Learn to Understand and Pronounce Sabishii
The word sabishii means lonely, lonesome, desolate, or solitary. Pronunciation: Click here to listen to the audio file. Japanese characters: 㠕㠳ã â€"ã „ Example: Hanashi aite ga inakute, sabishikatta.è © ±Ã£ â€"ç› ¸Ã¦â€°â€¹Ã£ Å'㠄㠪ã 㠦〠㠕㠳ã â€"㠋㠣㠟。 Translaiton: I felt lonely having no one to talk to.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Global Alcohol Industry - 5092 Words
REVIEW doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02430.x The global alcohol industry: an overview David H. Jernigan Department of Health, Behavior and Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA ABSTRACT Aims To describe the globalized sector of the alcoholic beverage industry, including its size, principal actors and activities. Methods Market research ï ¬ rms and business journalism are the primary sources for information about the global alcohol industry, and are used to proï ¬ le the size and membership of the three main industry sectors of beer, distilled spirits and wine. Findings Branded alcoholic beverages are approximately 38% of recorded alcohol consumption world-wide. Producers of these beverages tend to†¦show more content†¦Headquarters Belgium UK USA Netherlands Denmark UK China Mexico USA Russia 1979/80 * 4.7% (2-Miller) 0.9% (17-SAB) 6.5% (1) 2.8% (4) 3.1% (3) * * 1.3% (12) * * 28.0% 2006 13.9% (1) 11.8% (2) 11.5% 8.3% 4.5% 3.6% 3.3% 3.1% 3.1% 2.9% 66.0% (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) There is also growing integration across products. In particular, wine marketers are being bought up by other sectors of the industry, at the same time that wine is beginning to catch up in the development of global brand identities and distribution systems. As a California wine consultant recently remarked, ‘The wine business is no longer a production-driven business as it has been traditionally; it’s fast becoming a marketing-driven business’ [2]. Among the 10 largest global wine marketers, at least three have signiï ¬ cant holdings in beer and/or spirits. The world’s largest wine maker, US-based Constellation Brands, also markets both beer and spirits. Globally, informal or ‘unrecorded’ production, trade and sale of alcohol is substantial, amounting to at least two-thirds of alcohol consumption in the Indian subcontinent, approximately half of consumption in Africa and a third of consumption in Eastern Europe and Latin America [3]. Accordi ng to the alcohol industry-fundedShow MoreRelatedGlobal Forces and the Western European Brewing Industry1252 Words  | 6 Pagesand consequences global forces have, by using the PESTEL framework. This framework is used to help form a strategic analysis of the macro-environment; the outside factors beyond the control of a company. It categorises the environmental influences into six groups: political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal; making up the acronym PESTEL. Analysis Political factors Europe has traditionally been seen as the centre of the beer brewing industry. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Discussion on the Canadian Prime Ministers-Samples for Students
Question: Write a Research Paper on the topic "Given the immense power of the Canadian Prime Minister, why do they not act like 5 year dictators? Answer: Introduction In order to understand the facts associated with the Canadian prime minister and why they do not act as the five years dictator, it is evident to understand the desired concept and the meaning of dictator. A dictator is effectively defined s the political leader who retains absolute power (Hayao 2014). The understanding of the concepts of the dictator will help in evaluating the role played by the prime ministers. Below mentioned is the thesis statement which will help in facilitating the immense utilization of power by the prime ministers but not acting as the five-year dictator. Several arguments and evidence are also provided in order to clarify the thesis statement made. It is a matter of fact that in present times, the meaning of a dictator reveals the desired personality of a person who resides huge power over the laws governed by the whole country. It can also be referred as to be the personal power and Canada is not a democratic country, therefore there are strong chances to have the use of dictatorship guidelines for ruling over the entire country. Thesis statement Though having immense power, the Canadian prime minister does not act like a five-year dictator. Main context The prime minister of Canada is considered to be the single most powerful person in the entire country (Chapnick 2014). In the modern age, the word dictator is mainly used in order to signify the leader who merely holds or abuses immense amount of the personal power in front of the common people. The position of the prime minister is mainly responsible for the exercising of the near-dictatorial powers over the concerned government, finance, law military and the economy having a combination of more than 40 years of power centralization (Bramstedt 2013). Moreover, the loopholes within the different acts constitute the Constitution of Canada as well as the passive electorates who merely lose the faith in the democratic institutions. The prime minister position is considered as the most important position in the Constitution of Canada. Technically the head of Government in Canada is the Prime Minister and the head of states are the British Monarch (Jarausch 2016). But in the recent times , the prime minister has power to make law, enforce that law, a creation of a national budget, declaring wars, appointing a judge, senator, etc. In all, it can be said that Canadian prime minister has 3100 different types of job which is a great responsibility for the Canadian Prime Minister. Arguments Canada is not a democratic country due to the power of Queen, Governor General as well as the Prime Minister of Canada. This country is leading a dictatorship but only with the name of it. Though Prime Minister have immense power as per the law of Canadian government then also in every five years they are dethroned by the election process (Carter 2015). Though the Prime Minister of Canada has an immense power they believe to serve people with the help of Queen and Governor General (Ticchi 2013). The government of Canada has a front bench of ministers who provide help to the prime minister. Prime Minister has immense power but the country is still known for Queen and it is named as her majesty so it can be said that with dignity and responsibility the PM does not use their immense power in the country (Dowding 2013). However, some of the leaders came who actually turned their five years tenure into a dictatorship. It is known that in Canada their strength is their diversity nature. Th ere are various types of people and from diverse religion in the country which is another reason for the PM not to use his immense power. Though prime minister is considered as the powerful figure of Canada then also they are answerable to the Parliament of the country. Canadian Parliament roles and responsibility are to control bills budget, laws as well as the activity of Prime Minister. In the year 1960 at the time when Pierre Trudeau became prime minister uses their immense power to control all the law and the Parliament of Canada (Monroe 2015). They have faced such a brutal time in Canada that in the present time they are not likely to have that type of dictatorship (Strangio 2013). Canada is the country of a dictator but the main reason for not using this in parliament is due to the dictatorship faced by Canada at the time of World War and after that also. In the recent time, they have to provide an answer for their every work to the parliament which is another main reason for not using the dictator power. Being the most powerful person in the country they are able to do anything like they have the power to diminish Queen also and make new laws for the country which will be beneficial for them and so on. But the leaders of Canada did not prefer to misuse their power as they are answerable to the Parliament and also they clearly understood the responsibilities that this position gave it to them. From the most of the Canadian prime minister, it can be seen that they all worked for the country for the benefit of Canada rather than thinking about their personal benefit. For example; Justin Trudeau in a meeting said that he feels sorry and have sympathy for the refugee of Syria and to help them he is willing to accept all the 25000 refugees of Syria (LeDuc 2014). He did many works which clearly describes that he does not act like the dictator though he has immense power to him. Others leaders of Canada including Harper did not use the dictatorship in a country as they all were working for t he country and this is the reason that Canada is economically strong country. It can be clearly seen from the political life of Trudeau that he really thinks for the benefit of the economic condition of Canada and for that he is willing to work harder for his country (Skard 2015). This all proves that he is not a dictator neither act like the dictator as they want to help their country and people to uplift their economic condition. Evidences Justin Trudeau the recent Prime Minister of Canada is known for his compassionate attitude on the crisis of refugee and he agreed to accept almost 25000 refugees of Syria (Klinck 2017). This is the biggest attitude or the evidence for Justin Trudeau for not being a dictator. Justin is the son of the famous dictator of Canada Trudeau and for that people, especially the conspirators and the opposition party consider him as the second dictator but he shows much work and activity which proves that he is not a dictator for Canada. As the tenure of Canada is for five years and after that the prime minister change and again elected by the voters (Kershaw 2015). He formed a gender balanced cabinet in Canada in the year 2015 which also proves that he does not act like a dictator (Gardbaum 2014). He is all set up to change the climate problem of Canada and he speaks at the UN climate summit to solve their problem. He is fighting for the justice of indigenous women those who were disappeared. A ll this provide information that the recent president of Canada does not act like the dictators. In this paper, it is clear that a dictator in the present time is one who thinks about their own benefit and makes law for their own. The other Prime Minister of Canada like Stephen Harper, Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, and Kim Campbell and so on all worked for the benefits of Canadian people along with the diverse people of Canada. Kim Campbell is the first women prime minister and also the first women government body who actually introduced the International Baccalaureates program in the schools (Malcolmson 2016). Harper after being the prime minister of Canada focuses on the decrease of taxes and also enlarging their army and military forces which are the reason for the country to fight with their financial crisis (Cooper 2014). All the leaders of Canada actually worked only for their country as they are the only person who is eligible for the benefit of the country. Analysis Prime Minister of Canada did not use their immense power for their own use or for the negative use of the law. The recent Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau is one of the best prime ministers that Canada can have. But due to some of the reason he is still considered as the dictator for Canada which is not correct. He is the only one who is willing to accept 25000 refugees of Syria and also he had meetings with Obama to enhance future leaders for their countries. This is the main reason which proves that this prime minister of Canada is not a dictator. It is clearly stated in this paper that a dictator is a person who uses their power to implement a law which suits them and also they work for their own goods. All this cannot be seen in the recent Prime Minister and also not in the previous prime minister of Canada. In the recent time, it has been seen that the prime minister wants to work for their country and not for them. In Canadian constitution, a prime minister has to do al most 3100 different types of job and they have to follow all the responsibilities, therefore it can be stated that a person when becoming a prime minister they want to uplift the economy as well as the condition of the country. The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting for their climate problem with the UN climate conference so that people are able to live freely in Canada. From the work done by Justin Trudeau, it is clear that he really works for his people for his country and this is the main reason that can be stated clearly which implies that the prime minister of Canada does not act like the dictators. All the evidence in the paper shows that the political leaders of Canada did never use their immense power for the bad purpose or for the benefit of their own. It can be understood from the present prime minister of Canada that everyone work for the benefit of Canada, they all tried to uplift the country so that people are able to get more benefit from the country. The evid ence of some of the leader's activity clearly proves their way of thinking and their attitude towards the dictatorship of the country. They all never supported the dictatorship and for that, they have never seen to use those powers for their personal use in the country Conclusion The paper effectively brings out the facts on the utilization of the immense power from the Canadian prime minister but not acting as the five-year dictator. There are several facts associated with the research paper that helps in evaluating the importance and reality of the thesis statement mentioned in the introduction section. It is an argument that though prime minister is considered as the powerful figure of Canada then also they are answerable to the Parliament of the country. 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