Friday, December 27, 2019
Common Ground between Islam and Christianity - 939 Words
Common Ground between Islam and Christianity September 22nd, 2013 Hassibullah Roshan Keywords Islam; Christianity; Muhammad; Jesus; Qur’an; Bible; religion; history; religious practice; religious education; commonalities; prophets; acceptance; social relations Abstract The research paper underlines a number of key similarities between Christianity and Islam. It focuses on the concepts of shared principles, ethics, pro-social values, practices, beliefs and other essential factors that constitute the essence of these two religions. It also discusses the role of Jesus and Prophet Muhammad as the founders of Christianity and Islam, and religious notion of being appointed by God. Introduction The religious conflicts and†¦show more content†¦Conclusion All results obtained indicate that the majority of principles, practices, ethics and pro-social values in Islam and Christianity are interchangeable. Both religions recognize the existence of Jesus and his second coming . Both stand firm on the basis of love, friendship, honesty, purity, solidarity, and forgiveness . On top of that, the findings and analysis of this research clearly indicate that the level of similarity between Islam and Christianity are vast and something that can be built upon to promote mutual understanding among and remove misconceptions between Muslims and Christians. Works Cited Benthall, J. (1997). The Qur an calls for alms. Times Higher Education Supplement, Issue 1261, 9-16. Bertaina, D. (2012). Islam and Christianity: Theological Themes in Comparative Perspective. Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol.23 Issue 3, 385-388. D Costa, G. (2013). Do Christians and Muslims Believe in the Same God? Reflections on Miroslav Volf s Allah: A Christian Response. Islam Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol.24 Issue 2, 151-160. Deedy, J. (1995). Are you ready for the Second Coming? U.S. Catholic, Vol. 60 Issue 8, 26-62. Downs, D. J. (2011). 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